Twitter is the core to many educators' Personal Learning Network (PLN).

Twitter -

You can use Twitter without creating an account, if you just want to see the kind of information being shared on Twitter.

You can read Tweets by specific people by going to their Twitter page.

Take a look at some of the people we follow. You may find some educators or others who Tweet information you may be interested in.
Also take a look at some of the lists cnansen has put together - simply people who are on Twitter that fall into one of these categories.!/cnansen/math

Tweetdeck is one of the best applications (Macintosh or Windows) to monitor your Twitter PLN (Personalized Learning Network). (I plan to check this out - Mac OS X only - Nambu -

You don't have to have a Twitter account to benefit from the information shared on Twitter!

Hashtags are often used in Twitter so that others can find Tweets pertaining to that topic. The are often "nonsense" words that only that particular group would use. The hashtag for this class is #ed521msu

There are several ways to find Tweets that use a specific hashtag including and

    Here is how you can use TweetChat to find our ED521 hashtag #ed521msu

    Try searching Twitter for hashtags used by educators
    like #edchat#mathchat#engchat#scichat#sschat#elemchat#edtech, and #musedchat

    Spezify - just a more graphic way to display Twitter searches.
    Try #edchat, #edtech, #gct, etc. (#gct is not a chat, but is a comon hashtag for Google Certified Teachers)

    List of educational chats on Twitter

    Twitter and Educational Chats - an article worth reading

The FETC (Florida Educational Technology Conference) is going on Jan 31 - Feb 3. Many educators Tweet from there using the hashtag #FETC. Check out and .

EduCon is also going on January 29-31in Philadelphia - They are using the hashtag #educon. Try searching on that hashtag.

On Tuesdays at 6:00 pm CST educators from around the world (over 500 this past Tuesday) select an educational topic and discuss it using the hashtag #edchat -  Here is a wordle from the Jan 12, 2010 #edchat on Tech Tools and Student Learning Goals. Many people continue to use that hashtag throughout the week as they Tweet about things they feel that group would be interested in. There is also an #edchat group in the Educator's PLN ning and a #edchat wiki (using PBWorks) that archives each discussion. The hastag for this course will be #ED521msu. for The #elemchat Daily

How else can you find information on Twitter without knowing a lot of people to follow?

You can search Twitter for single words (SMARTBoard) or multiple words (#ISTE11, #FETC, #TECA), for specific people's Tweets, or use the advanced search. Monitter is a web site that allows you to do three searches at one time.

You can find educators to follow on Twitter by going to Twitter for Teachers or another list of Educators on Twitter. You can find ADE's (Apple Distinguished Educators),  learning professionals, or DEN Stars if you are looking for people to follow. There is a also a map of math teachers who use Twitter that you can check out. (currently offline) allows you to maintain a list of people on Twitter, and also lets you follow everyone on a selected list instead of following them one at a time.

(Note - this site is currently "down.") You will be able to add all the members of this course to your "follow list" in Twitter by going to

100 Tips, Tools, and Resources for Librarians on Twitter

Twenty-nine Interesting Ways to Use Twitter in the Classroom - done using Google's Presenter.

26 Keys to Twitter Success - @Angela Maiers <---- I highly recommend that you follow her!

Here are some Twitter Classrooms that want to start up "pen pal" correspondence with other teachers. This is one case where I would suggest you use a "throw away" e-mail address if you were to add your info to this list.

Resources that can be used to share information on Twitter - one of many URL shorteners (multiple URLs) (share photos and screen shots)

Twitter for Teachers -
School Districts on Twitter
Twitter for Professional People

And of course you can check out my Diigo resources for Twitter at and start by typing Twitter -

Twitter resources in my Diigo account

and you will see the different Twitter tags I have used.